
When visiting some of the musicstores in Limas’ Miraflores district i
finally found myself testing and blowing a pututu. A young pututu. Not a
3000 years old, but rather a 3 years old exemplar. The guitars wich were
dangling from the ceiling reacted strongly to my blows and the glassy
display-cabinets with all their effectpedals, mics and electronics gear
rattled along… i bought one of two mid sized exemplars and am now
getting familiar with its warm sound and how to bend it.

Before i will make my way to the archeological site of Chavín de
Huántar, where 20 of these pututus were found, i will test out what
reactions and which resonance the pututu sound may provoke in busy
honking Lima-traffic. Up on the roof, centred on a crossroad, or at one
of the crowded busstops…

ttud! tut!

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