Vor dem “Weißen Haus” wird schon die Bühne für die Amtseinführung des neuen Präsidenten aufgebaut.

GO: Nicola Gördes
With video pieces that combine the tension of thrillers, the humour of comedies and the insistence of documentaries within surreal settings, Nicola Gördes (born 1986 in Lennestadt, GER) fathoms authorities and power structures. Through different forms of self-staging, she envisions the loss of identity by the media and the elimination of the stability of life due to the restructuring of social conditions.
This can also be seen within her plan for research in Washington D.C. Washington is not only interesting as the seat of government of the USA, but also because of the unique democratic injustice that does not grant the citizens the right to vote outside of presidential elections. The atmosphere in the city, especially shortly before and after the election, will show if the prognosis, distorted by the medial PR campaigns, proves to be true. If the election degenerated into a sport-like fan event that is only about losing or winning anymore.
Georgetown University: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Die Studenten in Georgetown lernen. Manny erklärt uns KenKen.
Women’s national democratic club: 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
It didn’t went well, so far…
Washington DC: 8 a.m.
Der erste Tag an dem es regnet.
Die Presse wartet bereits auf Trump, während die Polizei damit beginnt alle Wege abzusichern. Einige sind seit 6:30 Uhr da.
Kapitol: 11:30 a.m.
Mr. Blair gibt eine kostenlose Führung. Er zeigt mir und der Schulklasse ganz kurz seinen 2$ Schein.