Katrin WegemannKatrin Wegemann

GO: Katrin Wegemann


Bounce, flow, rise, burst, the performative elements of her sculptures are already hinted at by Katrin Wegemann (born 1982 in Recklinghausen, GER) in their titles. She is mainly interested in the inseparably connected topics of transformation and time. Everyday physical phenomena are the base for her experimental set-ups for her almost theatrical performative sculptures which are often subject to productive coincidence.

In Iceland, known for its unique spectacles of nature, Wegemann studies the behaviour of the natural elements: northern lights illuminate the night sky, geysers shoot their boiling jets of water into the air, water clashes with glacier ice and active volcanos constantly change the landscape. These are phenomena which make time visible and are symbols for transience, for the power of coincidence and the impossibility to stop time.

Website of Katrin Wegemann

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