Jorn EbnerJorn Ebner

RETURN: Jorn Ebner


Jorn Ebner (born 1966 in Bremerhaven, GER) uses drawings, sound installations and browser-based works to deal with public spaces and (urban) landscapes. The resulting noise arrangements transform the image and rhythm of a city, its inhabitants and objects into acoustic adventures and soundtracks of urban life.

During his stay at the Dortmunder Künstlerhaus he wants to develop sound artworks in connection with the latter cultural history of the Ruhr-area which ask the questions: what’s the sound of shopping temples, residential districts, parks or industrial complexes? What does the post-industrial urban area sound like? Or does the Ruhr-area only sound like traffic and wind? In addition to the soundscapes, graphic sheet music supplement his project with a visual component.

Website of Jorn Ebner

Stadtraumprojekt in Hamburg


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