during the last week I started selecting interactive animations as projection material that visually integrate points and lines. eventually the patterns will change according to the dancers movements…
Browsing Category General (En)
Eternal burden
The Reden pit in Schiffweiler (1846/47) was one of the most important in the Saar-Lothringian mining district. Save the water retention, it was shut down in 1995. Today, next to five others, it is one…
Census, Map, Museum
‘Benedict Anderson offers some insights on the territorial aspect that help to create the ‚imagination’ of nation-states and considers the census, the map and the museum as three institutions that shaped colonial states’ imagination of…
a thin layer
Imagine the earth to be as small as a billiard ball. Then breathe onto it. The layer inside of which human life is possible – from the few meters of depth we can dive into…
october 9th – moskenesøya
The last town on Lofoten is called Å, because this is the last letter in the Norwegian alphabet. To get there, you follow the E10 which is carving its way around the steep slopes. The…
october 8th – flakstad
The area of Flakstad, with its main towns Ramberg, Flakstad and Fredvang, is facing the Norwegian Arctic Sea. On the white sand beaches, wind and waves created beautifully assorted sand patterns. We love to leave…
Life and death at Lake Palcacocha: Environmental uncertainty in the Peruvian Andes // Part II
Text by Noah Walker-Crawdford; Image by Alexander Luna; –-– In February 2017, national and local authorities gathered to discuss strategies for handling flood risk at Palcacocha and implementing the definitive project. Admiral Zimmerman, a representative…