I am sitting in the bus from the airport, overhearing the conversation of an old woman and the bus driver. The only word I understand is flytta, over and over. I am sure her new…
Browsing Category General (En)
Wunsch, Indianer zu werden – Wiedersehen mit Martin, Verve, Vanille
Traversères [image1.JPG] – “Wenn man doch ein Indianer wäre, gleich bereit, und auf dem rennenden Pferde, schief in der Luft, immer wieder kurz erzitterte über dem zitternden Boden, bis man die Sporen ließ, denn es…
Ein langes Treffen mit einem Geographen und Bergbau-Experten in Saarbrücken. Stundenlanges Wälzen unterschiedlich alter geologischer Karten und Bergbaukarten. Das Aufrollen der historischen Entwicklung des saarländischen Bergbaus – im Unterschied zur jenen im Ruhrgebiet. Die Frage…
Kiruna – below ground, above ground
Kiruna grew around the ore mines in Kiirunavaara (749 above sea level) und Luossavaara (729 m above sea level). After the establishment of the Malmbanen – the rail track from Luleå, Sweden to Narvik, Norway,…
6. October – Kiruna
Landing in Kiruna might have been one of my life’s most stunning experiences. Kiruna is the northernmost city of Sweden, and while looking at the sunset and the snowy mountaintops around Kebnekaise on the horizon,…
The Duhamel Pithead Stocks are the largest in the Saarland. They belong to the Duhamelschacht which is part of the Bergwerk Saar. It commenced operations in 1815 and remained the last in service in the…
The Four Activities Of State Building
According to Max Weber the state is “a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory. (…) James Tilly then suggests that state-building processes are…
I War Making
Eliminate external rivals
II State Making
Eliminate or neutralise competitors inside the territory