tuh tut tuhuuuudt

Out here in the streets this old peruvian instruments sound meets with
contemporary Lima and it already shows to be an enriching game to
play… Before I came here my agenda was to play this old pututu sound
in its ancient environment of Chavín to get to hear a past within a very
present. Now, spending already a week in Lima, I am learning that the
encounter of an ancient sound with the now of a lively city is even more
telling, lightening something that I do not understand yet.

When i blew the shell next to the highway between metropolitana stops
“28 de Julio” and “Benavides” i used rather long blows to weave the
pututu into the running motors and the rolling tires that passed by, to
my front and to my back. But it wasn’t easy since the pututus sound was
so very strange to this speedy environment. I moved on to crossroad Av.
Reducto / Ca. Jose G. Chariarse to play with the high- and low-tide of
waiting and rushing cars, buses and motorcycles. Commenting on their
honking. Or stressing their motor-power-sound. In this setting the
pututu made a good job. Blowing from not more than 1 meter next to the
open windows of the waiting cars, it became a very communicative game.

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