
Four days ago i arrived in the southern highlands, 1000 km from Lima.
Here the air is thin, the sky is near and the vibe is so very different
from the capitol… After getting used to the high altitude of Cusco i
took my pututu for a walk to the sorrounding mountains peaks and

Here i found that it is not only these impressive archeological sites
which let me in some surprising way relate to what it could mean to be
human. It is aswell, and even more, this old and overwhelming landscape
all around. A landscape of an unconceivable age and scale. While having
a rest on one of these mountains’ shoulders, someone started to play a
tiny flute behind a big rock. I couldn’t see, only hear… and notice how
much this little sound is at home in this gigantic mountain setting. I
could hear how much the flute belongs to this kind of context and i had
the surprising impression of suddenly understanding a tiny bit of this
instruments’ origin.

The following days i played the pututu again. In the mountains, mainly.
In close duo with the wind or inside ancient Inka architecture like
Tipón or Moray. But aswell, for the first time, i let the city-sounds of
Cusco schlüpf into the pututu shell. I could hear the city with its
dogs, buses, construction-sites and public musics coloured by placing my
pair of OKM mics inside the strombus shell. It may not have caused any
significant reaction of the city to this instrument, but it appeared as
the pututus’ view on its environment, sitting on a churchs’ staircase
above the city.

Today i go for Pisac. And on 29th, finally, i will make my way to Chavín
de Huántar together with my dear Lima-based friend and artist Blas Isasi.

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