Even the Hermannstraße is called like this because of the founder of the formerly steel mill.
Ruhr Residence 2017
and today?
The mission is called the own four walls.
In Lebach-Falscheid, in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum Nordschacht, erstrecken sich unter der Erde knapp 70 km Stollennetz. Die gesamte Ortschaft ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten um 3 Meter abgesackt, oft bebte mehrmals pro Woche die Erde….
picture from ‘The Smooth and The Striated’ movement research shot taken by New York based photographer Emma Pratte at Jack Chrystal Theater in Manhatten.
in the making of smoothness
last week i began to work with the wonderful sarah amores. 13 points in a square were the constraints to create a walking pattern. as she is walking from one point to the next, she…
Als „Kaffeeküche“ bezeichnet man im Saarland die Grubenkantinen. Diese sind ein gefliester Mix aus Kantine, Stehbierhalle, Kiosk und Tante-Emma-Laden, in dem man z. B. auch Waschmittel oder Dosenwurst kaufen konnte. Nach der Ausfahrt aus dem…
Legitimate Territory
At the Middle East Centre of the ‚London School of Economics’ Dr. Zeynep Kaya and I discussed the emergence of (kurdish) nationalism and the interrelation of liberal democratic notions to ethnic nationalist claims. ‚the meaning…
Life and death at Lake Palcacocha: Environmental uncertainty in the Peruvian Andes // Part I
Text by Noah Walker Crawford Images by Alexander Luna –-– A dark cloud hangs over Lake Palcacocha. At 4500 m above sea level in the Peruvian Andes, the nights are full of biting winds. Jesús…