Last week I made a flyover with a drone at the Phoenix See. Many thanks to Mr. P. Lambertus from Pixelhaus who was the pilot of the drone and Mr. D.Rojahn from the Stadtwerke Dortmund…
Ruhr Residence 2017
1751 m Teufe
Im Saar-Nahe-Bergland zwischen Lebach und Saarwellingen befindet sich der Nordschacht des Bergwerks Saar, welches das letzte aktive Steinkohlebergwerk im Saarland war. Der Nordschacht war mit 1751 m Teufe der tiefste Schacht Europas. Eine Superlative, die…
inspecting regular arrangements
October 7th – Hinnøya
The guy at Sixt bilutleie in Narvik gave me a car that’s probably the worst choice for Norway – a tiny Kia Picanto. Although the streets here are in perfect shape – much better than…
Hinnøya – anthocyanin & carotiniod
On Hinnøya, birches are the dominant trees. There’s bushes and bright red berries, but I am not much of a botanist, I can’t name what I see. Autumn is still here, and people tell me…
cantilever chairs
The thinner the marks, the more exclusive your furniture. The more generous the layout of your habitat, the higher your cognitive level. Unless you are being dislocated by external forces, of what little value are…
“Even the most striated city gives rise to smooth spaces: to live in the city as a nomad, or as a cave dweller. Movements, speed and slowness, are sometimes enough to reconstruct a smooth space….
parc animalier
Die dritte Station meiner Reise ist La Bourdette in St. Michel. Hier wohnen Jürg und seine Familie seit 20 Jahren und haben einen Tierpark gegründet. Außerdem ist er Vorstand des “Vereins für Kürbisfreunde”, Autor, Künstler,…
stills from the overflight
The new area around the Phoenix See looks like a Idealstadt 2017. Almost everything seems to be planned. Even small trees.