The thinner the marks, the more exclusive your furniture. The more generous the layout of your habitat, the higher your cognitive level. Unless you are being dislocated by external forces, of what little value are…

GO: Lena von Goedeke
Remote sensing II
Lena von Goedeke (*1983 in Duisburg) sind ein einziges Genre, ein Stil, der Aufbau eines kohärenten Werks fremd und doch kristallisiert sich in all ihren Arbeiten ein gemeinsames Interesse heraus: Die Verbildlichung von Daten über Oberflächen. Ob Scherenschnitt, Kupferrohr, Marmor, Filz oder Glas und Holz – sie bedient sich der ihr zur Verfügung stehenden künstlerischen und technischen Möglichkeiten, um mitunter nicht messbares wie Sand, Luft oder Atmosphäre zu erfassen. Kunst und Wissenschaft stehen dabei in ständigem Austausch.
Daher zieht es von Goedeke nach Norwegen, in das Andøya Space Center in den Vesterålen. Dort befindet sich eine der wenigen Forschungsstationen für „Remote sensing“, also für Methoden der Oberflächenabtastung. Zudem arbeiten vor Ort acht Nationen an Erkenntnissen zu Klima und Atmosphäre, mit denen sie in Kontakt treten möchte, um Einblick in die Messverfahren zu erhalten und Daten über den Rückgang des Polareises und damit zusammenhängender Phänomene zu sammeln.
Zur Website von Lena von Goedeke
Uncanny valley
In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is a hypothesized relationship between the degree of an object’s resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to such an object. The concept of the uncanny valley suggests…
October 7th – Austvågøya
It is verticals, horizontals and bridges around here. The borders between the masses of sky/air, land/stone and sea/water dominate Austvågøya. A very thin strip between them is where humans can live on. Sharp silhouettes of…
Svolvaer is the capital of Lofoten. It is – like most towns in Lofoten (yes, in Lofoten) located on the eastern side of the islands, where the weather is calmer than on the western half,…
what makes it more real than in a sepia image
In my accommodation in Kabelvåg, old sepia photos and drawings are covering the wooden walls. Kabelvåg must have had an eventful past with town assembly and festivities. People wore festive garments and the little market…
November 20th – man-made moon
Yesterday I learned about the word „Wüstung“ in an exhibition by Lois Weinberger. The english term „devastation“ sounds even more final to me. He said, nature is always in order; . I wonder if this…
a memory scan
Unless I find a way to merge myself into landscape or to declare my bruises and scratches that I collected while hiking to be artworks, I have to rely on digital scanning techniques. Eventually, everything…
october 8th – hennigsvaer
I stumbled across a piece by Marguerite Humeau today. That was somewhat unexpected. The Kaviar Factory is the Boros’ Bunker of the north; but with a better view.
october 8th – flakstad
The area of Flakstad, with its main towns Ramberg, Flakstad and Fredvang, is facing the Norwegian Arctic Sea. On the white sand beaches, wind and waves created beautifully assorted sand patterns. We love to leave…