6. October – Kiruna

Landing in Kiruna might have been one of my life’s most stunning experiences. Kiruna is the northernmost city of Sweden, and while looking at the sunset and the snowy mountaintops around Kebnekaise on the horizon, I feel like I am landing somewhere near the edge of the world.
I can’t wait to travel further up north. Some day I will visit the North Pole.
It’s good to have goals – for your art, your relationship, your career; and a place that is your destination, unless you’re a nomad.
I try to shake off the notion that I am merely a tourist among thousands, who come here every year for their summer hiking trip or aurora chasing, and calibrate my eyes.

The wilderness around Kiruna is nearly untouched. Little pools and lakes are scattered all over the area, birches are the only vertical shape. It’s cold and the air smells like ore.

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