On Hinnøya, birches are the dominant trees. There’s bushes and bright red berries, but I am not much of a botanist, I can’t name what I see.
Autumn is still here, and people tell me it’s is very unusual; I should deem myself lucky that I can still experience this season here. It is much warmer than it should be, and my fleece and gloves are obsolete.
It is hard to believe that I’m far above the arctic circle. The natural cycle is off balance now, what do I care, I am just a grateful tourist and no cod or bird.
Nature here is so colourful it is difficult to digest, I am an artist, what to do with all these shades? Hinnøya is all hues of yellow, orange, red and brown.
When I lived in Norway 10 years ago, I quit painting and started to work with silhouettes and lines; it was black and white winter and I had not been allowed to bring my paint and tools on the plane.
I wonder what I would have developed if I had come here in autumn back then.
Hinnøya – anthocyanin & carotiniod