„Mangal Dosha vom Mond aus, Mond im Löwen, Mars in der Jungfrau, also Mars im 2. Haus – bin ich Manglik?“ fragt eine Unglückliche im Internetforum. Wer sich bei der indischen Datingplattform Shaadi anmeldet, muss…
GO: Julia Sellmann
My, Myself and Mangal Dosha
Julia Sellmann (*1992 in Werdohl) works as a photographer for national and international magazines but also invests time into her own photography projects. ‘Faith’ and its different manifestations are a central point of her work. In 2016, she portrayed participants of the “Munies” sect mass wedding in South Korea – an event intended to systematically contribute to world peace. Before that, she documented the teetotalling followers of Ecopolis Tiberkul, who believe Jesus Christ to be reincarnated in the body of a Siberian police officer.
In her current research in India, she focuses on the spiritual. Mangal Dosha, the “Mars Defect”, is one of the most infamous aspects of Vedic astrology. According to traditionalist Hindu belief, this “Defect” negatively impacts the character and marriage of a given person –, especially women. Those born in this constellation are stigmatised in film and television – no wonder astrological service providers are experiencing a boom. Sellman’s photographs always straddle the line between fiction and reality and capture the constant walk on a tightrope that is existence in truthful photographic testimonies.
To Julia Sellmann’s website
“I am a school teacher not willing to disclose my identity. I had an affair which my parents didn’t really appreciated. However, struggling against all odds we finally decided to get married. We consulted an…
miss world
Miss World 1994, Aishwarya Rai is a Manglik
„Diamonds are an astrologers best friend“
Mudras are a part of healing Mangal Dosha